Insurance lingo, multiple phone calls & meetings, the paper chase – even the most minor of bumper rubs can be overwhelming and confusing – we’re here for you. Skrip’s Auto Body can handle the entire process, from initial claim call to setting up your rental, evaluating the damages, negotiating with the insurance company all the way through the repairs and final billing.

CT law is clear – it’s your car, it’s your choice on where you want to have it fixed. Don’t get dinged by any insurance agent or insurance company into thinking another shop will repair your vehicle faster, better, or will guarantee the repairs. Bring your vehicle to a business you trust – naturally, we hope you think of us when in need. Keep our business card in your vehicle along with your vehicle registration and insurance card – it will be there when you need it. Time-tested advice for any family with young or old drivers.
Skrip’s Auto Body, Inc.
104 Cheshire Road, Prospect, CT 06712
Ph: 203-758-6606
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